
    企业概况      Company introduction

    Shenzhen Jianyi Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (referred to as: Jianyi Holdings) was established in 2016, located in the forefront of reform and opening up - Shenzhen.

    In the new era, Jianyi follows the national development strategy and guides the five development concepts of “innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing”.

    Under the new upgrade, the “decorative design + financial capital + physical resources” is a diversified industrial model with a strategic development direction, forming a development situation of the industry and finance dual engine.

    Through the creative culture of “improving value and building a beautiful”, we are committed to building a “harmony, green, civilized and innovative” urban development.

    The integrated service provider truly realizes the innovation and upgrading of the enterprise development model, industry portfolio and profit model.


    Copyright © 2018-2023 JIANYI .All Rights Reserved Xiniuyun provides corporate cloud services 犀牛云提供云计算服务